Friday, June 24, 2005

You know you eat at the local Chinese restaurant too much when...

As you know, I have been on a quest to find my lost car keys for what is now going on DAY THREE. No luck. So yesterday I asked LT to help me go through all of our laundry and hang up clothes, which he agreed to in exchange for me sending an e-mail for him (his work computer was not letting him send outgoing mail for some reason) and that I meet him at the Chinese restaurant for dinner. Done. He called me when he was about ten minutes away, and I got in the car to meet him. Apparently he arrived before I did, but I did not see his car (which, as it turned out, was parked beside a huge truck that blocked the view), so I messed around in my car (looking for the keys) and then went to sit at the bench out in front of the restaurant. Thirty seconds later, a woman from inside pokes her head out the door and says "Your husband is inside" and motions for me to follow her. He had not said that I was meeting him, or that he was waiting for someone...she just knew!

My room is now devoid of all laundry, and a box of "stuff" that never got unpacked when we moved in is now gone. And still I have no keys. They have to be somewhere. Everything is somewhere. But I have yet to find them. Ruffian, maybe you can tell me what the procedure is for replacing a car key that has the alarm controls built into it. At least the room is clean now. Oh, and on a strange note, I saw an article on Kenny Chesney (now in all the mags since marrying Renee Zellweger) that featured his house, and he has our Haberdashery Quilt and shams from Pottery Barn. How weird.


Blogger Rachel said...

You will find your keys exactly 30 seconds upon arriving home AFTER you hvae spend the God-awful amount of money those new keys cost.

Have you looked in the grass? In the flower garden/bushes in the front yard if you have them?

5:50 AM  
Blogger ET said...

I have, but I will look a fourth time. It is hard to see anything because my garden out front is overgrown...despite the fact that I have PULLED UP all the grass once AND sprayed with RoundUp. I am going to hire someone to come out and "find" my plants, get rid of the grass, put down that black mesh stuff that keeps the grass from coming back, and then put some sort of rock or landscaping material on top of it. And it's so damn hot here that my trees keep dying, even when I water them all the time. They just dry up and shrivel away.

The new car key will cost approximately $55 to replace and reprogram, but the good news (there's good news?) is that they can do this in a matter of minutes IF they are not busy. Ruffian, you're good (he guessed $40-$60), Rachel, DON'T lose your keys!

Well, I'm off to bid on a Prada keychain...

8:56 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

All hail Ruffian! Yeah, I have like 4 sets of keys because I have been known to lose them.

10:15 AM  
Blogger ET said...

Yes, Ruffian we are hailing...

I am not bothered so much by the fact that I am going to have to replace all of my keys as the idea that MAYBE I lost them outside of my house somewhere and someone ELSE has them. If they are here, they will turn up eventually (I once found a missing keyring like four years after the fact), but if they are somewhere else, then someone has keys to my car, office, etc. That is disturbing!

10:22 AM  

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