Monday, April 11, 2005

I Need a Nap

Well, it's almost the end of the semester at last. And if I could remember to actually drop off my enrollment card for next semester, that would be a good thing. But I, as is the case with virtually every graduate student, have completely lost interest in anything to do with eduction (at least on the receiving end). This whole having-three-jobs-and-taking-two-classes seemed like a good idea at the time. I mean, I like to stay busy. But now I realize...I am just insane. Top it off with the fact that there is virtually a daily crisis to deal with, either at work or at home, and the fact that it seems like EVERYONE in my family is pregnant (except for me, thank way in hell I am having another child) and needing a baby shower, or having a birthday (I do still have those), or having Easter dinner or some other damn event...well, I don't seem to have time to do anything. So I have ruled out "non-immediate" family events absent exceptional circumstances. And I am only working three jobs during the summer but NOT taking any classes. So now I get the standard "are you still alive?" phone calls from my mother, and had to up the minutes on my cell phone plan because no one can ever reach me at a "brick and mortar" location. No one in my family sees me for months at a time, yet I live in (almost) the same town. Come to think of it, we found our current neighborhood when we attended a New Year's Eve party given by a friend of mine from law school. But between my obligations and her studying for the Bar, we haven't seen her or her husband since we moved in...or, since the New Year's Eve party...and that was over a year ago. Life, they say, is what happens while you are making other plans. So am I just having a lot of life? Is anyone else out there just exhausted?


Blogger Rachel said...

I am NOT exhausted! :) My social life is really picking up, though. It's never really been that way for me. So instead of stressing out about school crap, it's " will I ever choose between date with guy I don't really like, family event, or baby shower?"

8:25 PM  
Blogger ET said...

Hmmm...all three seem equally unappealing. I think I'd stay home with a book, stack of magazines, or a good movie.

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I turned 40 last thursday.. you wanna know about naps? talk to me... I'm the king of finding time for nothing.. but that might be because I finished with school 16 yrs ago... I cannot imagine doing that again.. even in the age of laptops and printers for my papers... yes.. I lived in the 80's stone age of typewriters.. double spacing.. etc.. so anyway.. I leave with one last bit of advice.. If you have time to get on a computer to blog.. don't you have plenty of time for life if you get off of here sometimes? 8c)

8:48 PM  
Blogger ET said...

OMG Rob...I forgot to send you a Happy Birthday e-mail! So...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are 40? I can't believe it! And no, if I didn't blog I would still not have time to do anything, because a) writing a blog takes about five minutes; b) I have to be on the computer anyway; c) there is no driving involved (see response to LT's blog on "Jack the Ripper and Me" to right). So you see, it's easier to vent here than to call my sister and be interrupted sixteen times because she has to get on to her four kids and, consequently, I cannot even get through a here I am.

9:20 PM  

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