Friday, April 08, 2005

Sin and the City

Okay. So hubby, boy child and I went to see "Sin City" tonight. It was very loud. Not quite my style of movie, but I'm always game for Bruce Willis (okay, with some exceptions - "Die Hard" leaps to mind). If you are a blood and gore fan this is the movie for you. And it was moderately amusing when the guy received a severed finger in the mail and boy child yelled "Hey...Wendy's!" For the feminists out there, this movie will satisfy all your decapitation and castration fantasies. Although I have to say in the scene where Bruce Willis physically rips a guy's genitalia OFF I was the only one who laughed. Maybe that was inappropriate, and not that I am feminist in any substantive way (other than refusing to clean...LOL), it just seemed funny. Especially when a glance around the theater found most of them men, heads down or eyes covered. Come on guys...they weren't YOUR testicles. Yes, I used the word "testicles" in my blog. (Rachel, if I have learned anything from you it is to work an anatomical reference to male anatomy into a blog at least once a week...and Sunday is your day.) Oh well, it's been a LONG week and I need SLEEEEEEEEEEEP!


Blogger Rachel said...

I thought I could have at least provided you with a slightly more than penis on the blog, but I KNEW you definitely needed more penis in your life, especially on Sunday.

10:26 AM  

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