Sunday, June 26, 2005

Last Season, But Still Cute

LT and I went out yesterday to run errands, including copying his keys so that I can have access to our stuff until mine surface. As it turns out, you should not trust Home Depot to copy your keys. They copied the front door key backwards, and I don't know what they did to my office key, but on NOT WORKING they are two for two. And that means I have to find the receipt, take LT's keys, go back (hopefully not to the same one) to the store, and hope that they get it right the second time around. Did I mention it is going to cost $55 to copy my car key? And I HAVE to do it, because I cannot function without a regular key and a spare. The fun part, I suppose, was picking a new key chain to use until the old one decides we have had enough and presents itself.


Blogger Chyrene Pendleton said...

I enjoyed your post. I'm wondering why it costs so much to get your car key copied? I too like having spare keys just in case and I went to my car dealership to get a copy. It was only $10. They also told me I could always go to Walmart and get it done even cheaper. I live in NY.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

She has a snazzy key that Walmart can't sopy because it has some comptuer chip or something inside of it. Or at least that's the story with my car key.

10:12 AM  
Blogger ET said...

Right...the car key has the alarm control built into it, so they have to "code" a new key after it is cut.

AND apparently they cannot copy my house key either, so now I have to find a locksmith. I really didn't think THAT one was going to be a problem.

10:21 AM  

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