Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Things that Piss Me Off

1. Putting on a pair of earrings while getting ready to go to class, dropping one on the floor in the process, and retrieving it only to discover that the stone has popped out. And I thought it was due to the impact of hitting the floor, but not sure, because I found the errant stone in my shirt. Oh, and they were like two months old and not exactly inexpensive. 2. Going to a bar after the final exam to meet up with all my classmates and "recover" (Rachel, in a non-alcoholic way for me) and arriving to find a band -- worse even, a JAZZ band -- blaring for an hour so we can't hear ourselves think, let alone talk! 3) My husband, who refuses to let me watch television when he is in the bedroom because he is "trying to go to sleep." This would be understandable, except that he then puts in a movie so that HE can fall asleep. So I ask him if he wants to watch a movie, and he says NO, he's going to bed, and now he's in the bedroom doing what? guessed it!...watching a fucking movie. Am I just totally missing something in this logic? Oh, and before you say "well go in and watch the movie with him" let me just say that it's a Mystery Science Theater movie (the very bad B movies with the guy and the little robots who sit and make fun of them and then do skits, read letters, etc.) and he watches them OVER AND OVER and I am sick of them and would like to watch something actually worth watching. And he sleeps through THOSE all the time, but can't sleep if I have anything on.


Blogger Rachel said...

1. This is why I don't buy expensive jewelry.
2. My co-worker does jazz gigs and she's a great singer but I don't like jazz and so it's hard to say "yeah I liked that show". And dammit, I am NOT anti-alcohol. I just don't like the feeling of being buzzed (maybe I have some control issues or something?) and alcohol tastes like ass. And things they put in alcohol to make it taste better (namely pineapple/other fruit) I don't even like to start!
3. You're only suppose to use the bed for sleeping and sex! And LT not only needs to find something else to watch, but he needs to update his blog, too. :)

7:33 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

I'm just not even sure how I should respond to the ass. Never actually...umm...anyway. Let me revise and say alcohol and my taste buds don't like to mingle.

11:36 AM  
Blogger ET said...

Good save, Rachel. And that was HIM that said it, not me! Anyway, I know you're not anti-alcohol...I'm not really either, but I don't like beer and it's really a beer bar. They have no mixed drinks that are worth my time and money unless I have a designated driver and, although LT was there with me, we did take separate cars. So, Dr. Pepper it was...but the burger was GREAT! (And I never like anything.) I do love pina coladas and such, but they don't serve those there. Or things involving strawberries, it would seem. Bummer.

Ruffian, you name the time...LOL. As my cats would say: 'PANKINS!!! And my birthday is...

4:31 PM  

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